ODKF Celebrates Kiwanis Club Milestone Anniversaries!
The Ohio District Kiwanis Foundation is recognizing Kiwanis Clubs within the Ohio District who are celebrating milestone anniversaries of 50, 75, and 100 years of service.
Each club will receive a certificate and $100 check to be applied to a service project within their club, or in support of one of their SLPs. The only criteria is that clubs are in good standing within the District and KI when they reach their celebrated anniversary dates of 50, 75, and 100 years.
ODKF congratulates Kiwanis Clubs for achieving this milestone anniversary and thank you for everything you've done in your community to make the lives of the children we serve, better!
If your club is anticipating celebrating a 50, 75, or 100 year anniversary please contact our ODKF secretary at secretary@odkf.org so that we can arrange for your certificate and check presentation with your club officers.