Donations may be made to the Foundation endowment in memory of deceased Kiwanians or other individuals. Many clubs choose to do this in recognition of members of their club who are deceased. Donations are also made to honor a Kiwanian or other individual.
A receipt is provided to the donor for the gift and a letter is sent to the family of the deceased or the individual being honored which informs them of the donation.
Donations may be made to the following memorials which honor Kiwanis members who have passed.
The Foundation has set up individual restricted funds into which donations may be made.
Donations are used to provide scholarships or recognitions to deserving Kiwanis awardees.
Funds can be denoted to the memorial fund with a designation to the following Funds:
Leach Scholarship
Dan Bergolc Key Club Secretary scholarship
Doug Everett Kiwanis Award
B. David Whiteman Kiwanis Secretary Award
David Gillespie Kiwanis Award
Albert and Iris Gilbert Kiwanis Humanitarian Award