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12 Ways to Celebrate National Wellness Month

When you think of the word “wellness” what comes to mind? Maybe it’s physical activity and focusing on being healthier. Or, maybe you’re reminded of self-care and the power of focusing on mental health. Wellness can take on a variety of meanings, and this August you can celebrate National Wellness Month by recognizing all forms of wellness with these 12 ideas. Check out our examples below for physical, mental, financial and community wellness!


Physical Wellness

  • Eat More Fruits and Vegetables. Is half of your plate green? Could you eat more fruits daily? Set a goal to increase the amount of fruits and veggies in your diet, starting wherever you are and increasing by a small amount until you’re ready to increase that number again!
  • Exercise 30 Minutes a Day. That’s right, we’re only asking for 30 minutes of exercise per day! Plus, it doesn’t have to be a crazy hard workout. Even elevating your heart rate by going for a walk or jog can help lead to many physical health benefits.
  • Drink More Water. Many of us try, yet don’t succeed, at drinking enough water daily. Keep track of how much water you’re drinking and mark off your 8 glasses a day. Getting enough water can help you feel full faster, aid in digestion and help your physical health overall. 


Mental Wellness

  • Talk to a Counselor. Everybody can benefit from talking to an unbiased third party about what’s happening in their lives. Do your research and find a counselor that works for you. 
  • Prioritize Self-Care. Remember that it’s okay and necessary to put your mental health first. It’s easy to lose sight of what you need when you’re taking care of others. Make time each week for your own self-care habits.
  • Say “No” to Draining Activities. You can only give when your metaphorical gas tank is running on full. If you don’t have it in you to do something, simply say “no” instead of draining your energy to please others. 


Financial Wellness

  • Build a Budget. Finances can be scary, especially if you don’t have a good pulse on what’s coming in and what’s going out. Develop a budget to help keep track of your spending and savings goals. That way, you can work toward building your finances and have a better handle of what is moving in and out of your account.
  • Set a Savings Goal. Sometimes saving seems impossible. However, small goals add up to big amounts over time. Consider what is feasible for your finances and commit to saving an amount each month. Then, watch as your savings grows!
  • Plan for Emergencies. Much like building a savings, develop a separate fund or amount to set aside for emergencies. This will help create security when the unexpected happens.


Community Wellness

  • Volunteer. Lend a helping hand and pitch in to make your community a better place. Whether you invest your time in other people, community programs or making your community a better place, volunteering contributes to community wellness overall.
  • Donate. If you’re able to give back, it not only has a huge impact on the success of your community, but also on your health and wellbeing! Studies have shown that philanthropic efforts have been linked to happiness. 
  • Start a Fundraiser. Take the time to organize people in your community to give back. Start a fundraiser for a local business that inspires you or an organization that does good in your local community. 


Take advantage of the simple ways to find total wellness during August to celebrate National Wellness Month. While wellness does refer to your mental and physical health, it can also stretch beyond to include the people around you and the way you set yourself up for success financially. Work on taking small steps to contribute to your overall happiness and wellness.

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